The Banana Chronicle

Maybe I should do a post on why this site is so important. In the meantime, enjoy this little ficlet. If you’re up to date with the “AMI XUNAED” incident, you’re likely to have that much more fun while reading it!

Verse and Fables

Junaed was thinking, for the umpteenth time in his life, how annoying the constant traffic congestions were. With the bus drivers going berserk right in the middle of highways, almost literally driving through buildings in avenues and hitting pedestrians on highways intentionally, one could only wish for so much sanity when on the streets of Bangladesh. And then there were the hand-pulled three-wheelers they called rickshaws. One could not even get started on them. Them, and the numerous private cars that seemed to belong to a select 5-6% of Dhaka’s population.

Junaed was thinking, again for the umpteenth time, how convenient it was that he’d gotten a motorcycle. He could swerve through gridlocked roads in a matter of minutes, which meant he was never late for anything.

He was thinking all this on the way to see his mother. It was indeed a blessing, because he’d be able to get…

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