Ssh! It’s A Secret

I have been keeping a secret.

Okay, not from the world, I just haven’t brought it out into the blogosphere yet.

In the past few months, I’ve been inspired take a break from trying to impose the mandatory hour of writing. As a result, I turned to other things, including:

Handmade bookmarks:

A couple of months back, when I’d bought 2 GB of data on my phone and didn’t know what to do in order to use up the last GB, I logged onto youtube and watched some origami tutorials. One of these was the corner bookmark.

After that, I just had to make a bunch of them. With custom designs on the back. ^_^

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My love for knitting and crocheting came back when I realised I was bored out of my head and I had someone who could help me out if I made mistakes. It took me a week to master long-tail cast on (if you know what that is), a couple of days to master the knit stitch and another week to master the purl stitch.*

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These look the same, but they are actually reverse stitches of each other.

And, I’ve started on my first actual project!

Ribbing is stacking the same stitches one on top of another.

It’s a ribbed scarf in a beautiful shade of purple, although at this stage I’m not completely sure if I’ll do the entire thing on one color. Or if I can even do it in one color, considering if I run out of yarn it might be hard to find the same shade again. Maybe I’ll include a colour that’s a good contrast.

*If you don’t know what knit stitches and purl stitches or even casting on is, a simple google search would quench your curiosity.

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